Many UHS-alumni are involved in the development of educational activities or policies aimed at humanisation, education and professionalisation. By examining various theoretical perspectives on moral and citizenship education this course provides important building blocks for developing and evaluating educational practices and policies, with particular attention for the political and l contexts in which moral and citizenship education takes place. The core aim of the module is to connect theory and practice of moral and citizenship education in different educational contexts: mainstream education, informal education of youth and adults, and education of professionals.
After the successful completion of this course:
World View-, Academic and Professional Education The module contributes in particular to the connection between academic, philosophical and professional education. The concept of normative professionalization is central to this.
Brief explanation of cohesion with other courses
This course builds on Education 1.
The course consist of interactive lectures, seminars and self-study. The interactive lectures aim to transfer and expand knowledge and insight. The lecturer will discuss the literature with reference to the goals of the study component. In addition, there are interactive moments consisting of the presentation of the results of self- and groupstudy, after which plenary reflection takes place. During the seminars, students perform practical exercises and use the literature to interpret and evaluate educational discussions and practices. They will also meet experts.
Relation between theory and practice
Students are expected to approach the assignments as future trainers/teachers/policy advisors/researchers while they learn theoretical perspectives.
Relation between education and research
The themes and literature choices aim to provide a general overview of relevant educational research. UvH lecturers also share about their own work and that of their PhD students on Moral and Citizenship education practices in different work contexts.
Opportunity for specialisation
Students can apply the theoretical insights discussed to an educational context of their choice. This offers an opportunity for specialisation.